My name is Ainsley Kennard, Psy.D. I’m a licensed clinical psychologist who practices psychoanalytic psychotherapy. My office is in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
“I believe that the essence of psychotherapy is exploring the inner workings of the mind that are not yet fully known. I have found that I come to understand my patients most deeply by following my analytical intuitions about them without being intrusive, imposing my own reactions, or misinterpreting meaning found in their communications to me during the sacred therapy hour.”
-Dr. Ainsley Kennard
Deep within each of us exists a hidden, albeit compromised, sense of who we wish to be. Along the way in life, family issues, trauma, separation and loss compromise that vision.
Many bright and promising people suffer from troubling symptoms that make embracing the self and others impossible.
After a decade of training, it is my conviction that psychoanalytic psychotherapy is the best path to self-understanding and uncovering the driving forces of the mind.

Individual Therapy
My area of clinical expertise is in psychoanalytically based psychotherapy. In individual sessions, I work with adults (18+), and occasionally older adolescents.